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Piper's Pals
Everyone needs a Pal! Someone who helps you, cheers you on, and is always there for you. Join Piper and all of his Pals as they zoom into fun racing adventures!
Piper the Pug is a squishy-faced, playful little pup. Full of energy, his favorite thing is going fast and racing with his mom. Piper hopes to become a professional race car driver.
Ginny the Giraffe's favorite color is purple. Ginny loves cruising around in her little purple car. She is a whiz with tools and can fix almost anything.
Pedro the Panda loves designing race cars. He enjoys making his cars look super cool. As soon as Pedro builds one car, he already has his eye set on the next one.
Perry the Pig thinks everything should have BLING! Making sure all of the Pals' race cars are painted in bright, shiny colors is what Perry loves to do.
For more information about Piper's Pals email the Author Elaine Larsen
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